
Copyright: RIFS Potsdam/ K. Friedrich
Date PlaceOccasionContribution
Université Libre, Brussels, BelgiumSICT 2024Keynote & Panelist „The right kind of tech solutionism for the Global South?!“
Jun ’24online (KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden)ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S) Conference 2024 Stockholm, SwedenWorkshop AI and ‘Nature’ as a stakeholder: Exploring the role of AI in Earth Law“ (with Silke Niehoff and Andre Uhl)
Delta Electronics, Taipei, TaiwanInvited talkTalk „Digitalisation and environmental sustainability – Opportunities and risks“
National Taiwan University, IPCS, Taipei, TaiwanInvited talkTalk „Digitalisation and Transformation for Sustainability – An Introduction“
RIFS Helmholtz-Zentrum PotsdamWissenschaft und Politik im Gespräch (WuPiG) PodcastPodcastGibt’s KI auch in grün?“
Sep ’23 onlineWebinar series by company „The Climate Choice“Talk „Digital Supply Chains – Chances and Limits for Climate Transfor­mation“
Jun ’23 Her­tie School Berlin, Ger­manyGreen Industrial Policy Sympo­siumPanel discussant „The Green Transition and Artificial Intelligence – Friend or Foe?“
Jun ’23 Uni­versi­ty of Ren­nes,
ICT for Sustain­ability (ICT4S) Confe­rence 2023Workshop „Sustain­ability trade-offs in AI: Barriers and enablers to sustainable artificial intelligence“ (with Federica Lucivero, Gabrielle Samuel and Lucas Somavilla)
May ’23 Uni­versity of Bonn,
Sustain­able AI ConferenceTalk „More sustainable artificial intelligence systems through stakeholder involvement?“
May ’23Jön­köping Inter­national Busi­ness Scho­ol,
Sustainability and Digitization: Social Innovation and Rebound Effects SymposiumKeynote and workshop „Digital rebound effects“ (with David Tyfield)
Dec ’22Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, Great BritainEnergy Seminar SeriesTalk „Industry 4.0 and energy“
Nov ’22online (Jönköping International Business School, Sweden)Seminar SeriesTalk „Reflections on digital rebound effects“ (with David Tyfield)
Oct ’22Institute for Ethics in AI, University of Oxford, Great BritainEthics in AI Lunchtime SeminarsTalk „AI for Earth or AI against Earth?“
Oct ’22online (Plattform Industrie 4.0, Berlin)Webinar Industrie 4.0 und NachhaltigkeitTalk „Globale Wertschöpfungsketten nachhaltig und digital gestalten“
Jan ’22online (University of Michigan, USA)Sustainability and Development Conference 2022Workshop „Digitalisation, sustainable industrialisation and digital rebound“ (with David Tyfield)
Dec ’21online (United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, Vienna, Austria)Conference „Sustainability in Global Value Chains“ Talk „More sustainable supply chains through Industry 4.0? Perspectives from buying firms and Chinese suppliers“
Dec ’21online (International Center for Civil Society)Digital Debate seriesPanel discussant „Climate Justice and Digital Transformation“
Nov ’21COP26, Glasgow, Great BritainCo-Creative Reflection and Dialogue Space (CCRDS) organised by the RIFS PotsdamWorkshop on (digital) access to COP26
Oct ’21online (Universität Passau, Germany)Symposium COVID-19 – Geographien der Zäsur: Digitalisierung Talk „Do more digitalized sectors perform better than less digitalized sectors in the crisis? The German case and implications for sustainable recovery“
Jul ’21online (University of Manchester, Great Britain)Degrowth Conference ISEE/ESEETalk „Digital Degrowth – Degrow Digitalisation?“
Jun ’21online (Weizenbaum Institute Berlin) DigiMeet 2021 (Digitalisation Research and Network Meeting)
Talk „More sustainable supply chains through Industry 4.0? Perspectives from buying firms and Chinese suppliers“
Sep ’20online (Zentralverband der deutschen Elektro-Industrie (ZVEI))Webkonferenz „Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit“Talk „Digitialisierte Industrie – Chance für mehr Nachhaltigkeit?“
Jul ’20online (Haus der Wissenschaft Braunschweig)Virtueller Nachhaltigkeits-Talk Panel discussantDigitalisierung: Handycap oder Treiber für nachhaltige Entwicklung?
Jul ’20online (University of Innsbruck; University of Heidelberg)Viruelles Symposium „COVID-19 als Zäsur“Talk „Traditional GVC vs. digital GVC: The question of winners and losers of the COVID-19 crisis“
Jun ’20online (University of Birmingham, UK)Development Studies Association (DSA) Conference 2020Talk „Structural Change and Digitalization“ (with Marcel Matthess)
Jun ’20

online (University of Dresden, Germany)Nexus Conference Dresden 2020Talk „Expectations about the effects of digitalisation on sustainability in the manufacturing sector with a focus on the circular economy“
Dec ’19„Factory“, Berlin, GermanyBar Camp der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) e.V. zum Thema „Künstliche Intelligenz“ Interactive session „Sustainability and Artificial Intelligence Research“ (with Malte Reißig)
Aug ’19Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, GermanyKOSMOS Conference
Talk „Revisiting the paradigm of manufacturing-led development: Sustainability, digitalisation and the future of manufacturing in low and middle income countries“